Information about Celpe-bras

Course preparatory to Celpe-bras exam
What is Celpe-Bras?
Celpe-Bras is the exam to obtain the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners. It is the only certificate of proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language officially recognized by the government of Brazil. Internationally, it is accepted by companies and educational institutions as proof of competence in Portuguese. In Brazil, it is required by universities for admission to undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as for validation of foreign professional degrees who want to work in the country.
How does it work?
The exam has 2 parts: Group Writing and Individual Speaking/Listening
The evaluation comes from the performance in tasks and face-to-face interaction that require reading and listening comprehension. On top of that, the exam requires different writing production as article, advertise, descriptions and other.
That includes day-by-day language practices for many different situations a person can be involved in while being in Brazil.
The oral evaluation includes hearing comprehension, and the ability to fluently interact in Portuguese, using pronunciation and correct vocabulary.
Who can apply?
Anyone can apply! Make sure you are already on the right level to start the course. In the FalaBrasil Preparatory Course, students of advanced/fluent level are admitted.
When and how to apply?
You can apply here
Celpe-Bras will be held from October 18th to 20th 2022 , of which:
A) Usually the morning is reserved for the writing exam.
B) Usually the evening is reserved for the Oral Exam.
The results of the Celpe-Bras Exam will be available in the Official Federal Gazette (DOU) and on the Internet.
Online registration:
(we remind you that registration is closed as soon as the vacancies expire. If, in a given application, all vacancies are already filled on the first day, there is no possibility of registration for that post on the day after. This usually happens at UFRJ).
Exam Application From October 18th to 20th 2022
We would like to remind you that the Celpe-Bras Exam is developed by the Ministry of Education of Brazil, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. UFRJ and the other Brazilian and foreign universities accredited for the exam are application positions and do not decide on deadlines, registrations, dates, results, etc.
The first part of the registration in Celpe-Bras is obligatorily online and, once the candidates have completed their registration through the internet, the registration is completed with the application posts. At UFRJ, the communication is made by the address The phone number is 3938-9708. The test happens in the Ilha do Fundão (University City of UFRJ).
Entries should be made at this link.
At the above link, the interested party can also find accurate information about the exam, including the Applicant Handbook.
Details about the preparatory course for Celpe-Bras | Fala Brasil School
The course uses specific Celpe-Bras material and is divided into written, and oral parts. The teachers at FalaBrasil have the necessary experience in preparing students to obtain maximum performance for the Celpe-Bras exam.
Before starting the course it is necessary to take a test of FalaBrasil School to make sure you are able to start the course.
It is important for the student to be prepared to manage time for their studies outside the classroom since much of the written exercises will not be held in the classroom.
The teachers conduct periodic examinations with the students, so it is always possible to understand what the student needs to improve in order to have a satisfactory result.
Details of the preparatory course for Celpe-Bras:
Total class hours: 16 hours
Total hours of self-study: 12 hours
Frequency of classes: twice a week
Class duration: 2:00
Option 1: Tuesday and Thursday from 08:00 am to 10:00 am (BRAZILIAN TIME ZONE GTM – 3)
Option 2: Tuesday and Thursday 07:00 pm to 09:00 pm (BRAZILIAN TIME ZONE GTM – 3)
Price included study material
R$ 1.260,00
Sign up now!
Phone +55 21 99828 2335
Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 351 Andar P, Sala P-01 Galeria Fórum Ipanema
Rio de Janeiro – RJ, CEP: 22410-003, Brazil
Faculdades Integradas Hélio Alonso Rua Muniz Barreto, 51 Rio de Janeiro, Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro – RJ, CEP: 22410-003, Brazil
Whatsapp and phone: +55 21 99828 2335
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