10 reasons why Fala Brasil house is the perfect coworking space you were looking for!
- We are located in Vila Do Largo one of the most charming vilas of Rio, in Laranjeiras (Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Sul). A space full of studios, nice cafes and interesting people.
- We are a cute and cozy house, full of space and structure to receive you and to be sure you will feel comfortable all the time.
- Fala Brasil is a school of portuguese for foreigners, which means that if you desire, you’ll be able to have a cultural exchange experience by meeting and sharing with people from all around the world.
- If you are a foreigner and desire to have portuguese classes, you can just contact us to have a free trial class. Now imagine working and learning portuguese at the same place?!
- We do events all the time. No, don’t worry, it is not aaaaall the time and it will never disturb your work. But we mostly do it every 2 weeks, and it is the perfect opportunity to meet new people, nice initiatives and maybe, drink some good beer 😉
- We are almost a family. Although we are plenty of space, we’ll never have more than 5 people working together at the office in order to respect each other’s space.
- We have a coffee machine. I think that’s is enough, but, if it doesn’t sound that awesome for you, we are right next to Café Secreto, and believe me, it is considered the best coffee in town.
- We have a lot of books. You can take any of them anytime you want and give it back once you are done.
- Delight your clientes! If you ever need to plan a meeting we have a very nice second floor and a charming outside area with enough space that can be used.
- I know it might sound unbelievable, but I swear you: everyone here is sooo cool and friendly!
So, if you are looking for a space to work and you think you and your business has synergy with us, just get in touch through fala@falabrasilschool.com. You’ll be more than welcome to come to our space and see, and we’ll love to meet you. We are available for monthly rent of space, twice a week or rent per hour.