Learn Portuguese + App for iPhone by Vidalingua
Are you looking for way to practice Portuguese when you are not in class? Smartphone Apps can be a great to way to complement what you learn at school. Vidalingua is one of the leading developers of language apps with over 12 million users. We partnered with Vidalingua to bring you a special offer at the end of this review.
Learn Portuguese + is a new app by Vidalingua that includes 101 lessons, 1190 phrases and 3536 exercises to help you become fluent in Brazilian-Portuguese. It’s a fun way to learn because it includes interactive exercises to perfect your language skills.

The Vidalingua method focuses on phrases that you can use immediately in class or on a trip to Brazil. Lessons like Greetings, Essentials and Useful Expressions can teach you how to get a conversation started. If you are preparing for a trip to Rio de Janeiro, lessons such as Buses, Youth Hostels and Directions will help you organize your stay. Once you are ready to hit the town, lessons like Eating Out, At a Café and Nightlife will help you make the most of your trip.

Understanding Portuguese is a good start but speaking is critical. Learn Portuguese + includes advanced speech recognition to help you master pronunciation. Your can practice speaking at your own pace until you build the confidence to talk to others.
When you enter the Pronunciation exercise screen, you hear the phrase spoken in Portuguese. You can tap on the phrase to hear it pronounced again. When you are ready to try to pronounce it yourself, tap on the microphone to start recording. When you finish, tap on the microphone again to stop recording. If you pronounced the phrase correctly, a green check mark appears and you advance to the next exercise.
The Word Order exercise displays a phrase in English and the words of the Portuguese translation in the wrong order. Tap on the words as they would appear in the Portuguese phrase to pass the exercise.

There are lots of other features that will help you stay engaged. See below for a partial list.
– Vocabulary exercises to help you master Numbers, Menus, even Cocktails.
– Select favorite Brazilian-Portuguese phrases to create your own study list or improve your vocabulary.
– Word Jumble Exercises challenge you to order words in a phrase correctly.
– Multiple Choice Exercises to recognize the correct translations of a phrase.
– Set goals for yourself and track your learning progress.
– Notifications for Phrase of the Day and Streaks.
The app has 11 free lessons and a pack of 90 Premium Lessons.
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